
Hello! We are a bunch of lively, adorable girls who simply has the passion to dance :)Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School , Taught under our instructor, Ms Vivienne and led by our teachers Mdm Goh, Mdm Shue, Ms Geraldine Chew and not forgetting Ms Lee Lijun ! Never give up on what you like to do, work hard and also enjoy the process! AI dance, 爱 dance :D!

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Welcome sec 1 juniors

Friday, February 6, 2009  8:27 PM

Our Sec 1 juniors have officially joined us :)


Hope that you all can be consistent in your attendance, and will continue to work hard.
Don't give up easily, all of the seniors have worked very hard.
Someday you'll be like one of them :)

Something I would like to share. From Linda's blog (hope you don't mind) :

To the juniors that joined dance,
Please do not be mistaken just by seeing how tedious every part is . I believe that if you have the passion to and are willing and make effort to work hard . There shouldnt be any problems .

Sides, you get to dance . I really like dance and right now I shouldn't be doing any of it right now due to my spinal operation . But I'm trying, really trying . Even at home . Yes it might be tough to be able to adapt to how things are now and then, but as time goes by I'm sure you'll get the hang of it .

If you really like dance then I shouldn't really be seeing anything like regrets and so forth . Last year when I first came into dance, Ms Vivenne, Miss lee and all the other seniors, what they said really gave me something to think about (: ! And I'm glad that the community here is not that bad and it's really fun . I truly is.love.dance.yo! I'm sure my other buddies to do :D So I also hope that the sec 1's will understand this ! It's the SYF year , we will resume back to 2 days /week trainings after SYF . Hurah , so fret not (:

Jiayou juniors! :)



January 2009 | February 2009 | March 2009 | April 2009 | May 2009 | June 2009 | July 2009 | August 2009 | November 2009 | December 2009 | February 2010 |


Do leave a message on the board if you want us to link you :)
2009 sec 1 juniors Miss Lee Alicia Bengyee Clara Cynthia Fangling Huiyi Huiying Jingen Jowell Kexin Linda Limin Puaylin Qingwen Tingjun Xueteng Yanlin Yanntorng Yilin
Coding/Design: Yours-Tragically